You are so much more than what you have been through.

Is a painful past experience impacting the way you view yourself, your relationships, or the world around you?
Traumatic experiences look different from person to person: sometimes they’re in the form of a single, significant event and other times, they’re a series of events whose impacts you don’t begin to see until they’ve ended.
Whatever form your experience took, there is no “measuring stick” for trauma: if it felt traumatic, it was traumatic…and you don’t have to continue feeling defined by it.
You might be experiencing…
Ruminating thoughts or flashbacks
Panic attacks
Trouble sleeping
Feelings of isolation
A sense of helplessness
Lack of support from those close to you
I’m here to hold hope for you in the times you feel like you can’t do it yourself
I understand you may be feeling like you “should” be “over” this or “shouldn’t be” struggling like this anymore. Please know that there is no timeline for healing, and everything you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing right now is valid.
It may feel impossible to imagine being able to move forward or feel truly happy again. In therapy, we’ll work on practical tools you can put into action in the difficult moments of day-to-day life, as well as address the deeper impacts of your experience.
We’re working toward a new future together. This isn’t about going back to “normal”; it’s about going forward, realizing you are stronger, wiser, and more resilient than you ever were before.