The CoParents Path


Navigate your co-parenting journey with confidence and clarity.


Join the Waitlist

Do you break out in a cold sweat when you get a text notification from your ex?


Do you constantly worry about the impact of the divorce on your kids?


Are you stuck in the “emotional muck” that was your marriage? The anger, grief, resentment?


In the CoParents Path, your questions and concerns meet our answers and reassurance.

Topics covered...


  • Effective communication
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Essential elements of a parenting plan
  • Creating a solid family foundation across two homes
  • Supporting your kids through the divorce
  • The importance of mindset
  • Creating a self care plan
  • Understanding parenting styles


"Working with Rita has been a total game-changer for us! She has been like the secret sauce in our co-parenting recipe.

Before, we were kind of stumbling through the whole co-parenting thing, but with her help, we've really found our groove. Rita has this incredible knack for cutting through the drama and getting to the heart of what's important – our kids.

She has  given us practical tips for talking to each other without it turning into World War III, and she’s  helped us figure out how to put our differences aside and focus on what's best for our kids

Honestly, our family feels so much stronger and healthier now, and we've got Rita to thank for that. If you're struggling with co-parenting, do yourself a favor and reach out to her – you won't regret it!"

- Aileen

"Rita is basically the fairy godparent of co-parenting.

Before we worked with her, our co-parenting situation was like a bad sitcom – full of misunderstandings, arguments, and just general chaos. But Rita swooped in and waved her magic wand (figuratively, of course), and suddenly everything started to make sense.

She helped us figure out how to communicate without biting each other's heads off and showed us how to put our egos aside for the sake of our kids. Plus, she is super relatable and easy to talk to, which makes a world of difference when you're dealing with sensitive stuff like parenting.

Long story short, our co-parenting game is now on point, and we owe it all to Rita”

- Ben

Don't miss out on our first CoParents Path group, coming  soon!


It's only $875 for the entire 12-week program, and you can join from anywhere via Zoom.

Join the Waitlist today! 

Join the waitlist for the CoParents Path today.

Rita Morris M.Ed, LMHC, CPC

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